Chemical Peels – Non-Surgical Services – Oklahoma City
What is a chemical peel?
chemical peel is a chemical solution to smooth the texture of your skin by removing the damaged outer layers.
Although chemical peels are typically done on the face, they can also be used to improve the skin on your hands and neck.
A chemical peel is one of the least invasive ways to improve the look of your skin. Sun exposure, acne, or aging can leave your skin tone scarred, wrinkled, spotted, or uneven.
A chemical peel can improve:
- Acne or acne scars
- Age and liver spots
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Freckles
- Irregular skin coloring
- Rough skin and scaly patches
- Scars
- Sun-damaged skin
What a chemical peel won’t do
- Treat deep facial lines
- Tighten loose or sagging skin
- Remove broken capillaries
- Change pore size
- Remove deep scars
Chemical peel candidates
You may not be a good candidate for chemical peeling if you have:
- A history of abnormal skin scarring
- Abnormal pigmentation
- Afro-Caribbean or Asian skin
- Facial warts
- Red hair and pale freckled skin
- Used certain acne treatments within the last year
How a chemical peel works
Chemical solutions are carefully applied to your skin to improve the texture by removing damaged outer layers.
The chemicals used are phenol, trichloroacetic acid, and alphahydroxy acids. The formula used by your doctor will be altered to meet your specific needs.
There are three types of chemical peels:
- Light chemical peel – little improvements at first, but a healthy glow will be seen after more treatments
- Medium chemical peel – Your skin will be noticeably smoother and younger looking
- Deep chemical peel – Results are dramatic, but recovery takes the most time
Board certified plastic surgeon Jeanette Padgett offers more than just cosmetic surgery. Another option to consider is chemical peels, which can improve many common skin problems.
For a deep exfoliation, Dr. Padgett recommends a chemical peel treatment. This non-surgical service can improve skin issues such as acne and sun damage. Chemical peels can also stimulate collagen, thereby reducing mild acne scarring. They can actually tighten the skin.
During your consultation, Dr. Padgett will discuss your questions with you and explain the details of chemical peels.